Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 20

It's another week! Things are rolling along. You might notice some new faces at the cafe'. We have several new servers and hosts, so please let us know how we're doing and what we can do to make our service the best it can be. Email us.

We'll be closed Saturday-Monday this weekend for Memorial Day Weekend. While Jason takes the girls to Riverfest, I'll be taking it easy at home. I'm looking forward to it ; )

We won't be holding a May Wine Dinner, but our June Wine Dinner has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 25th. Be sure to reserve early.

The baby is close! If you 've seen me lately, you'll know what I mean. Doc says it could be any day now. I have been taking it as easy as possible to keep my blood pressure stable, and it appears to have paid off. As long as baby Jude is ready, I know I am!

Hope to see you soon--


Monday, May 5, 2008

May Is Here

Here we are again! It's May already, and lots of things are changing and happening at the cafe'. You'll see lots of new faces, as we have some new servers and hosts to take care of you. I am there less and less these days, as Baby Jude has dropped and contractions have started off and on. The due date is June 6th-- we'll see if we make it!

We have sold quite a bit of art in the last several weeks, so you'll see some new pieces. If you see something you love, remember that you can negotiate the price. Just let your server know what it is you'd like to offer, and we'll contact the artist and see if s/he will take it. It can't hurt to offer.

The wheels are turning for our big move-- August 15th is our new opening date in Argenta, which is better for me than June : ) We'll keep you posted as construction progresses. We (finally!) have a sign in the window at 411 Main in Argenta, so if you drive by you'll be able to see where we are moving.

This weekend we'll be serving red beans and rice at the Preservation Hall Jazz Band concerts on Friday and Saturday nights at Robinson Music Hall. Stop by and say hi if you're there jammin'.

Hope to see you soon--
