Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Thankful Weekend

What a weekend. We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house Thursday, and since we are lucky enough to have a chef in the family, I can say that it was phenomenal. Friday we did a catering and then headed down to Jason's farm in Gilette, AR, where Annaliese (our 6-year-old) went deer hunting and duck hunting for the first time with her father. She was ecstatic and very proud.

We are reopening Monday morning for the busiest time of year for us. This week our wine dinner is sold out (Wednesday), and we are going full-steam-ahead with our catering efforts.

Hope to see you soon--


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gift Cards are Here

Our new Gift Card program arrived Monday, so we're ready to go! What could be better than a Starving Artist Cafe' Gift Card, good for the best food and art in the state?? Any amount can be purchased, and customers may add value to the card anytime.

You can order in person, by phone, or by email, and we'll be happy to mail it for you in a festive holiday card.


Closed Thanksgiving Weekend

We're going to close for the whole Thanksgiving weekend, as 1) we think most people will not come downtown to eat and 2) our staff may stage a coup d'état.

We are doing a catering on Friday afternoon, so if you need some catering, please call us asap so we can take care of it for you. Jason and the girls and I will be leaving town Friday night to head to Gilette in southeast Arkansas, hopefully for some R and R (and perhaps bring home some venison).

We'll reopen Monday morning.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Holiday Fever

I was trying to wait until after Thanksgiving, but holiday fever has taken over. So, we're jumping on the bandwagon and offering our Holiday Gift Baskets! You can order a pre-filled basket ($25 - $75), or choose your own items for custom basket and price. Gifts include original artwork by Arkansas artists, delicious delectables by Chef Jason, gift cards, books, and other unique gifts you won't find anywhere else.

Check out our website for details, or call Paula: 372-7976.

Happy Shopping!

Monday, November 12, 2007

What Do You Think??

We were closed last year on Friday and Saturday nights after Thanksgiving. Do you think we should open this year on the weekend after Thanksgiving? Do you go out to dinner Friday and/or Saturday nights? If so, would you come downtown to our cafe'?

Please let us know!


Welcome, Veronica!

There's a new smiling face in the cafe'. Veronica Jones is our new Director of Catering, and we're thrilled she has joined us. She was with Sonny Williams Steak Room for the past 7 years, and now she's brought her expertise to direct all of our catering sales and coordination.

You'll see her at lunch -- she's the one with the beautiful smile -- so be sure and say hi and welcome her to our ever-expanding team.


Monday, Monday

It's Monday! We had a good weekend; we had quite a few out-of-towners in for dinner, so it seems the hotels are finally recommending us to their guests. Thanks, whomever you are!

We are gearing up for our biggest month of the year, December. We have several private parties booked, but we have quite a few dates open. Do you need a space for your party? You won't have to setup, serve, or clean- we'll do it all for you. It's the best deal in town, from hors doeuvres parties to full seated dinners, and it will be talked about for years. Office party, family parties, friends get togethers: call Veronica to book your event now!

Have a great week--


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thanksgiving Delectables

I just posted our Thanksgiving Delectables offerings-- wow your family and friends with Chef Jason's Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, Fresh-Baked Focaccia Bread (makes an excellent stuffing), Sauteed Vegetables, and Balsamic Vinaigrette. If you want to take the credit, we promise not to tell : )

Order by phone (372-7976) or online: Thanksgiving 2007


Don't Forget to Vote!

It's that time again-- time to vote for the Arkansas Times Readers' Choice Awards. Ballots are in the current issue of the Times, as well as the upcoming issue that will come out this Thursday. We are also featured as one of the restaurants in the upcoming Restaurant Issue this Thursday, and we really appreciate your vote. Last year we were voted one of the Best New Restaurants; this year we're in the running for Best Overall, Best Seafood, Most Romantic, and any other categories you want to vote us in.

Thanks for your support!!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's Official!

After almost a year of negotiations, we signed our lease in Argenta! Things should start moving fast now-- we are shooting for next summer as our moving date. We really, really appreciate your support and comments-- what do you think about our move?
