Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Cold Out There, But Warm In Here

Brrrr... it's a cold one today. Unlike a lot of downtown businesses, we're open today, MLK day, so if you're off work or even at work, come on down for a delicious (warm) lunch in the hottest spot in town.

We made the leap to Sunday Brunch-- we'll start that on Sunday, February 3, 11am-2pm. We do not want to offer the "usual hotel brunch fare," so we're going the creperie way focusing on savory and sweet crepes. We'll also have quiche and our popular panini, salads, and soups. We have our Sunday beer and wine license, so mimosas are definitely on the menu. Nothing quite like an incredible crepe and mimosa to end the week right!

As we get ready for our move to Argenta in June, we'll be restructuring, so there will be even more changes in our hours and operation in our current space. Unfortunately, we never could get dinner off the ground, so we're looking at ways to cut the overhead and find ways to generate revenue as we coast out the months until our move.

Hope to see you soon--


Monday, January 14, 2008

Boy oh Boy!

It's a boy! No wonder I've had such a hard time : ) He's looking good and moving a lot. Now if he'll just let me get some sleep...

We were closed this past week on Thursday for the first time in two years. It was bittersweet, because while we enjoyed the time off, it was also like letting go of the old way. It's in with the new, in so many more ways than one!

Veronica is no longer with us. I'm taking over the catering myself, and I'm ready to roll. I'm focusing on private parties in-house, so if you know anyone looking for a space, send them my way. I'm determined to break into the pharmaceutical rep market, both for lunches and private dinners. If you know pharmaceutical reps (or are one yourself), we are now doing a rewards program where we give $1 in credit for each pharmaceutical rep's contact information, with no limit as to how many you send us. We'll keep up with your points, and at the end of the month we'll send you your gift card with your credits. You can use your gift card however and whenever you'd like. Call me or email me if you have the contacts! 372-7976

Hope to see you soon--


Monday, January 7, 2008

Morning, Sunshine

Monday morning-- the first Monday of 2008. We had a whirlwind week last week with a record New Year's Eve dinner. Then there was the all-so-fun, end-of-the-year paperwork that occupied the rest of the week. Ah, the joys of business ownership!

We've decided to close for dinner on Thursday evenings, as we have never had enough business to cover the costs, and we're focusing on private dinners and special events. So, starting this week, we'll be open for dinner Friday and Saturday nights only.

In case you missed it, we had a good article in the Dining Out section of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ("Starving Artist Cafe' Desserts are Berry, Berry Good"). Nothing like a little free press!

We're moving ahead with our move to Argenta. We met with the designers last week, and our move-in date is slated for June 1-- right about the time the baby is due. All kinds of newness.

Speaking of the baby-- we have an ultrasound Monday afternoon. If the baby isn't shy, we'll find out boy or girl. I'll keep you posted!

Hope to see you this week--
